
Tax Time

Posted by Taylor Raine on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 10:01am

I've always completed the taxes for our family. It's usually a very simple project. With the proper organization and a few hours on Turbo Tax, our forms are completed, submitted, and awaiting the approval of the IRS. And, to top it off, we generally get a refund.

This year is different. My ex wants to claim the taxes as married filing jointly to get a bigger refund, however he's being a total pain in the ass about it.

Normally, I would have had the taxes finished and had the refund check already deposited into the accounts and possibly even already decided upon how to "position" the funds — whether that meant paying off bills or sticking the money into savings for a rainy day.

So, I'm trying to be patient and wait for something to be done. I refuse to pay someone to do the taxes, when I bloody well know how to download the program and get it all done efficiently for less.

I'm so not looking forward to the additional financial challenges this year will bring. I mentioned previously that I have always been primarily responsible for the bills and financial decision-making. I'm ready to be on my own, like I was before, and get the show on the road. How do you deal with these co-financial issues?

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