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I Will Never Have A Golden Anniversary

Posted by Rhonda Harris on Fri, 12/28/2007 - 10:00am

This is a tough pill to swallow if you think about it. It is for me anyway.

Mom and Dad have been married for 47 years. They have three children, 10 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild, and on most days still actually enjoy each others company. They spend their winters in Texas and their summers in Michigan with the family. They've had good times and bad , like any married couple has.

What makes them so different than myself? They made it! And, by the way, "it" isn't always easy. Trust me.

This is beyond amazing to me considering I just came out of my third divorce. They have been in love longer than I have even known any living person.

I have to admit, this makes me a bit sad at times about what my future holds. I'm turning 40 next month. If I met someone right now and got married, by the time we reached out golden anniversary I would be 90. Did I mention that I'm a smoker and do not exercise regularly? That isn't even taking into account my poor diet. The odds are that I will never experience anything close to the longevity they share.

Does that make me a failure? No! But it does make me wonder what it would be like to love someone that much for that long.

Way to go Mom and Dad. Love you!

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