I'm getting everything lined up to return to college next semester. If I plan to be able to support myself and the kids in the way, I want to, it's time to get back in the saddle of life. I need to further my education.
I'm interested in nursing, but the waiting lists for the nursing programs in my area are all at the very least, 18 months long. This is a bit longer than I want to wait before starting. With the shortage of nurses in our country, I'm surprised there aren't more programs open in the Michigan area. We're very limited on Licensed Practical Nurse programs, and the waiting list I mentioned is for the Registered Nurse Program.
I'm mainly interested in the medical field. I believe I'll try to pursue this field even if it's not in the nursing capacity. I'm also considering radiology, or possibly becoming a surgical technician. I'm not so sure of the latter; I don't know if I have the stomach for it or not.
When I was married, I always wanted to continue my education but for some reason or another, I always placed it on the backburner. My ex didn't support my returning to school. He didn't come right out and tell me not to go back, but I knew he wouldn't pick up any slack at home or help in any way.
Now is my time, and I'm going to go for it. Wish me luck!
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That's fantastic! It's never