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I Need A Vacation

Posted by Rhonda Harris on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 3:00pm

It is six degrees below zero out right now, as I type. I am in dire need of some warm weather and lots of sunshine. The lack of sun can do strange things to one's mood. Anyone from the northeast that is prone to depression can attest to that. I think someone should open a resort in the Michigan area that has piped in sunlight of some sort. They would make a large profit.

My children and I have not been anywhere in a couple years. This seems like the perfect time to put something on the calendar and have something to look forward to. We've been to Disney World a couple times. We are lucky enough to have a grandmother in the local area of Disney, which made it much more affordable to plan such a trip. Our last visit was right after the separation. It seemed so strange to be there with just the children and me. It was a wonderful trip, it worked out great. The Florida sunshine would feel wonderful right now.

Maybe I will just load up the van and drive until I hit warm weather. I am sure there would be plenty to see along the way. I'd like the adventure of it all. Although I'm certain I could never get in the vehicle with my kids without double-checking every reservation I had made. I would be a nervous wreck something would go wrong.

Spring Break is coming, so maybe not Florida. But I am definitely going to make sure I find some sun soon.

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