After a year of being single and going on dates that don't go anywhere, I've met someone that I seem to have a rapport with. I only met him a few weeks ago, so its much to early to tell — we're still very much so into the "discovery phase". However, I don't have many — or really any — complaints so far. That's a huge thing for me.
He's smart — that's really important to me, so I'm very happy about that. In my opinion there's nothing worse than going out with somebody that you can not have a deep and intellectual conversation with. He's funny — I like that too. He likes kids — obviously, that's something that's very important to me. Like me, like my son. Period.
There's one thing though, that's really screwing me up. It's pretty unimportant, but he and Levi share the same birthday. When I found that out, it blew my mind. I mean seriously, how weird is that? Initially, I was so freaked out, I just put it aside. I mean, a date is just a date — there are thousands of people that share the same birthday. That's like saying I wouldn't date someone again if they were named Levi — actually, I probably wouldn't! — but a name is just a name, right?
Of course — since I can't keep anything to myself — I posed the question to my friends, asking them what they thought. The answer was unanimous all the way around. Wow, they all said, that's just way too weird.
My aunt said, "If there were ever a sign, that's it ".
Signs — not something that I can really say I've ever given much thought too — but maybe I should have. Look at all of the other "signs" I've missed along the way.
What do you think? Should I break it off simply because they share the same birthday?
What Others Have Shared ()
Keep thinking about it
I had two long term
limiting yourself
Relax----that's not
Kind of Spooky