I took introduction to psychology in college so I have a general idea of what the term "passive aggressive" means. It wasn't until recently, however, that I really got to witness it in person.
Apparently my husband has decided that this is his newest way to complain about the things I do without actually complaining about them.
Here are a couple of examples, which could easily be compiled with a slew of others for a "passive-aggressive husband reference manual":
The other day my kids and I went out to lunch with a couple of other moms and their kids. I don't eat out for lunch all the time, and this was an impromptu get-together. I had packed my husband a lunch that morning for him to take to work so he had leftovers. When he gets home he tells me this: "The guys at work said, 'Let me get this straight...she gets to eat out for lunch and you have to eat leftovers? Man, that's messed up!' Ha-ha!"
Translation: He's ticked off that I got to eat out and he had to eat leftovers.
My husband recently did some volunteer work with the guys at church that involved a lot of physical labor and when he got home he said, "Bob told me he was so glad that his wife and daughter were out of town because after we finished up he was going to go home and take a long nap without interruption. Ha-ha!"
Translation: He wants to take a nap but knows that we already agreed that he would take the kids so I could get some work done. He's hoping I suggest he takes a long nap and I'll just stay up until two in the morning working.
How do I know it's all passive aggressive? These comments don't even go with the flow of conversation. They come out of nowhere, and he gives a long pause afterward as though he's waiting for me to fall to my knees and beg his forgiveness for going out to eat with my friends/not offering him a four hour nap/whatever else I do that ticks him off.
You know what really gets me about all this? I don't care if he tosses the lunch I made him into the fridge at work and eats it the next day so he can go out with friends for lunch. I can also appreciate how great a nap feels after working hard all day, and I would have adjusted my schedule if he asked me to.
But this passive aggressive stuff? It's gotta go.
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