While I wait for my insurance company to approve my switch to another therapist, I'm still seeing the same guy I've been going to for months. Honestly, sometimes it's just nice to go sit in a quiet office for a while without the kids and chat with another adult.
My therapist and I got on the subject of sex. He knows I'm having a hard time being a willing participant with my husband, so we were discussing the specific issues I have and what I might to do feel a little better about the whole thing.
Our discussion was pretty matter-of-fact, but we did talk about the kind of things I wouldn't usually discuss in mixed company. I have always tried to not hold back anything from my therapist because I figure he needs to know everything if he's going to give me an accurate analysis.
So we're right in the middle of talking when he starts to get a sort of far-off look in his eyes and he mumbles something like "...weird..." or something similar. I ask him what he means, and he smiles and says, "It's weird talking about these things with a woman sometimes. I mean, it's what I do, but every so often I get a tinge."
What the heck is a "tinge"?
I wasn't quite sure what to say, so I replied with, "Well, it certainly isn't a conversation you'd have with a woman at a coffee shop, right?" We both chuckled politely and the conversation moved on to another subject, but for the rest of the session I couldn't get his "tinge" off my mind.
Am I such a sexual deviant that my thoughts on sex freak him out? I doubt it. Are all his other female clients too polite to discuss anything sexual with him? I'm not sure. I will tell you, though, that if he has indeed "seen and heard everything" as he once claimed to me, then I don't understand how my talk of sex gives him a "tinge."
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you're not a deviant!!