It's official: Larry the Cat has given up his vendetta against Mike.
The last time Mike was in town Larry made it clear that he was displeased. This was odd, since Larry is a cat-whore. He loves everyone, boys especially. His normal reaction on meeting someone new is to make out with them, or, at the least, sit behind them on the couch and hug their heads.
Larry is convinced that he is my boyfriend, although he considers it a fairly open relationship, what with his tendency to stick his head into other people's mouths. When Mike came to stay for the first time, Larry took one look at him and realized something was different. I'm impressed, still, with Larry's insight here — he's not the smartest cat in the world. This is a cat who runs into walls. This is a cat who has set himself on fire — twice.
Larry, the lap-lover, would immediately vacate the couch if Mike sat beside him, stalking to a chair across the room and watching with hostile eyes. He stopped trying to sleep in the bedroom, much less on the bed. He refused to let Mike pet him.
One of the things I love about Mike is that he loves my cats. At the risk of being the crazy cat lady, they're awfully important to me, and anyone who wants to be a part of my life in any significant way really has to be ok with that. Finding someone who not only tolerates this but is actually pleased when I drag him out of the shower to see them in a particularly cute position...well, it doesn't get much better than that.
So Mike's been on a mission to win Larry's affections.
It helped that his second visit saw him working a lot — it got the desk lamp on his side. Larry loves napping under the desk lamp.
Then there was the miraculous day when Larry actually got into Mike's lap. I have a picture of Larry looking over at me in horror and guilt before leaping off and pretending it had never happened.
This last visit, though. Larry, apparently, decided to pretend that he had never had any doubts about Mike to begin with. Within five minutes Larry was perched beside him, purring and trying to stick his head into Mike's mouth.
One could, I suppose, see this as a metaphor: Larry's willingness to make out with Mike somehow representing my growing security and comfort in this relationship; his increasing comfort reflecting mine ...
But that might be a little much, don't you think?
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