So, I tell him and my stepmother that this previously-unnamed-thing with Long Distance Boy is official. This is greeted with enthusiasm by my stepmother — who has liked him since I told her he had a cat — and dead silence by my father. This is his version of enthusiasm.
I send them some pictures, and call the next day. My dad wasn't home. My conversation with my stepmom was one of the more disturbing I've had in my life.
Jean: So, I got the pictures of Mike! I like his cat!
Me: Yeah, I took that one for you.
Jean: He's cute.
Me: It's a she — girl cat.
Jean: No, no, I mean Mike. He's very cute. And sexy!
Me: Ack! Jean! Don't say that!
Jean: What, you don't think he's sexy? Of course you do, he's your boyfriend. He's very sexy!
Me: This is not something I want to hear from my parents. Seriously.
Jean: C'mon, you sent the pictures. He's a sexy guy!
Me: Ok, you're really going to have to stop saying that. It's kind of freaking me out.
Jean: Oh, don't be such a prude.
When I worried about the changes divorce might bring and what new obstacles I would have to overcome, discussing the sexiness of a new boyfriend with my parents is not one that I anticipated.