I previously wrote that I would not have the savvy nor the energy to pull off dating two men at once. After posting it, I wondered if I was in fact sure of this. And if this was the definitive answer, why wasn’t it possible for me? Furthermore, shouldn’t we all consider doing it?
Unfortunately, this is sounding dangerously close to that horrible book that outlined the rules that women needed to follow in order to find their perfect mate.
While I think that book is absolute garbage, there is something to be said for exploring one’s options before making a final decision.
When it comes down to it, I think about all the decisions I’ve made in haste over the years, some of which have been more detrimental than others.
I look back at these and remember how difficult it was and how long it took to reverse the damage done in a fraction of a second.
Whether it was extra portions that lead to extra trips to the gym, or saying “I do” as opposed to “I think we need to work out some of these issues before we proceed,” the result was always me having to shift gears and try my damndest to get out of the quicksand before being completely enveloped.
I may not yet have the wherewithal, but whenever I should find myself back in the game, I’d going to make sure I am able to pull off a double-header.