No One Can Take It Away


My husband filed an emergency hearing for custody of my children.

When I received a call from my lawyer, I was shocked. I never thought I would be attacked so brutally via the legal system — it's happening, to me!

He claims that I am an unfit mother, abusing drugs and alcohol.

Obviously, I'm not — and never have. These allegations are far from the truth. When I share details of the situation with my friends, they are in constant shock of what claims are being presented against me.

It's honestly ridiculous. I was home schooling my boys, cared for all their needs, my home, my spouse — how can someone so "in the game" or on top of the demands of these jobs not be considered fit?

People would look at me and were proud of my accomplishments. To be honest, I was always proud of my accomplishments. I worked damned hard to provide these things for my family.

My husband was never in awe of me, but my friends were. They are a great support system. People that abuse drugs and alcohol do have real issues and in my opinion, are selfish individuals. I realize that taking drugs/alcohol to an extreme can become a medical issue — but in the initial stages, ingesting substances is still a choice made by an individual.

I'm not a person to risk the welfare of myself, or children. If I need support, I call my friends. If I need to reduce stress, I run. I will also sit in my car with a song I adore and belt the lyrics. I don't abuse any substance. I might abuse words, I admit, I like to talk — but I am a very fit mother.

No one will take that away from me.


Hang in there!

From what you describe, it sounds like you have it all together and you have nothing to worry about. Just do what you have to do and try to ignore him. Its a shame that our legal system gets so bogged down with such BS..... Take care of yourself. Faith


Yes, it is a shame. It causes so much stress.. Thanks for your positivism. I can use a great deal of that!

Taylor Raine

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