Hot Flashes

Episode 34: Condition of Woman I

Mimi Schmir, one of the writers from "Grey's Anatomy"

Posted to by Mimi Schmir on Sat, 01/09/2010 - 8:54am

I’ve never been that big on anniversaries. Well, let me put it another way. Jeffrey was never that big on anniversaries and so I guess I picked that little bad habit up from him. He said he didn’t want us to be like everybody else. That holidays of any kind were a Hallmark construct and that he sure as hell wasn’t buying in.


Episode 33: Memopause

Mimi Schmir, one of the writers from "Grey's Anatomy"

Posted to by Mimi Schmir on Sat, 01/02/2010 - 9:52am

I am not one to hold a grudge. Okay, I am one to hold a grudge (see Jeffrey, see Jeffrey fucks Super Fan in my very own living room) but in honor of the Jewish Holidays, I had made a plan to get over that. Not to get over the Super Fan fucking, necessarily, but the holding a grudge part.


Episode 32: Groupie

Mimi Schmir, one of the writers from "Grey's Anatomy"

Posted to by Mimi Schmir on Sat, 12/19/2009 - 9:08am

Now I may or may not have mentioned that in my tender youth I aspired to be a groupie. I sucked at it actually, because aside from sticking out my thumb to hitchhike now and again, and taking an occasional puff off someone else’s joint, I was pretty tame in my approach to living.


Episode 30: Move Over Day

Mimi Schmir, one of the writers from "Grey's Anatomy"

Posted to by Mimi Schmir on Sat, 12/12/2009 - 12:34am

Every so often something happens to remind you time is passing. The bagels that you bought two weeks ago turn moldy; the cable company sends a bill marked, “urgent”; the cute teenage boy at the supermarket check-out calls you “Ma’am.”


Episode 29: Till Death Do Us Part

Mimi Schmir, one of the writers from "Grey's Anatomy"

Posted to by Mimi Schmir on Sat, 12/05/2009 - 12:02am

And then Jeffrey returned from West Virginia. I can’t even begin to describe what a mistake that ashram visit was. I think he thought it was supposed to be some kind of Canyon Ranch deal, where you go and have spa treatments and eat really healthy food like pea sprouts and somewhere in there you rediscover who you are.


Episode 28: Make Room For Daddy

Mimi Schmir, one of the writers from "Grey's Anatomy"

Posted to by Mimi Schmir on Sat, 11/28/2009 - 7:24am

It's Friday night and the "Sex and the City" movie has just opened and my doorbell rings. Jeffrey has the boys for three days, because, I kid you not, he's supposed to spend a week at some ashram in the Blue Ridge Mountains and he wants some "quality time" with his offspring before he goes.


Episode 27: Divorce Diet

Mimi Schmir, one of the writers from "Grey's Anatomy"

Posted to by Mimi Schmir on Sat, 11/21/2009 - 12:10am

When I first got separated (such a ladylike term — it should be "wrenched," or "torn," or "severed," that's more like it) all I did was eat. Cheesecake, Pop Tarts, Cap'N Crunch, all the stuff that Jeffrey hated and that I knew was bad for me went straight into my "separated" body.


Episode 26: In Memoriam

Mimi Schmir, one of the writers from "Grey's Anatomy"

Posted to by Mimi Schmir on Sat, 11/14/2009 - 8:24am

I would like to take this opportunity to do a shout out to some of the things in my life that despite my best intentions I may have lost, or am losing, or may never lose, but that I still want to remember.


Episode 25: Peri Peri Quite Contrary

Mimi Schmir, one of the writers from "Grey's Anatomy"

Posted to by Mimi Schmir on Sun, 11/08/2009 - 8:24am

So here's the thing about being "peri-menopausal," (or as I like to call it, "PM.") It makes you cranky. (*Note: I was told by my ob-gyn that since I still occasionally get my period, I am not actually in full blown menopause. I ask her what constitutes "full blown" and she tells me that I will know it when I feel it which frankly, makes me even crankier than I am.)


Episode 24: Mother Courage

Mimi Schmir, one of the writers from "Grey's Anatomy"

Posted to by Mimi Schmir on Sat, 10/31/2009 - 12:12am

For a long time my favorite piece of literature was this play called "Mother Courage and Her Children." I couldn't really relate to the literal story (among other things, it is about war), but I loved the name. The play was written in 1939, by the German dramatist and poet Bertholt Brecht and I always remember it around this time of the year because I think on Mother's Day it is particularly apropos. This is why.

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