Since I've been single, I haven't concentrated on my health and fitness because there have been too many competing demands. As I say so often in my writing — something, and often more than one thing — has to give when we are single-handedly responsible for so much.
I've gone from being a most-days-of-the-week gym junkie to having no time to go at all. As a result, I'm heavier and almost certainly grumpier than I was when I embarked on the single parent path. Even though I've started to have an annual medical, I doubt my health and wellness gets enough of my headspace.
Probably every few days for the past couple of years I have sat myself down and given myself a talking to about doing things to improve my health and fitness. I've made commitments to myself and to my children and as ashamed as I am to admit it, I have not met these commitments.
I know I need to make room for my health. I'm good at focusing on projects when I give them enough priority and resources. If I had nothing else to do but exercise and ponder my next healthy meal, I'd be great. I am disciplined, but my head is too full of other things to enable the space and energy to launch another big project.
2008 has to be my year. The year I make room for health, wellness, and fitness, and jettison whatever it takes to make room for these self-focused projects. I'll keep you posted.
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