One of my jobs is teaching. I take some day classes and some night classes. This year, the first class for a new course I'm teaching falls tonight — on Valentine's Day night.
One of my young, smug, newly married colleagues asked me if I was so bitter that I didn't have a ″valentine″ that I scheduled the class so other people would miss out on celebrating the event. (Why do people feel the need to be so rude?)
I protest on two levels. One, I am not bitter at all and don't even want a valentine, which is quite different from just not having one. Two, it's a Thursday night class. I don't choose the date of special celebrations — they just fall where they land.
The reaction to the scheduling of the class from the students who should be there was amazing. The young and in love already had restaurant bookings and their faces just dropped at the orientation day discussion of their timetable.
There was only one thing to do. I've cancelled the class and we will start our learning journey together next week.
The upside for me is that I will get to be home with my kids tonight instead of working. I will get to tuck my own little valentines into bed and kiss them goodnight. I'm sure my 15-year-old will really appreciate that!
What Others Have Shared ()
Funny. I take an ongoing
People are weird- so much