First Wives World will turn on the cameras Tuesday for the Women of New York who want to send heartfelt sentiments to the former First Lady of New York. Passthe word on!
Ladies,I have never seen or felt such an outpouring of pain for another womanand her children with no place to put it. Not a person in the countryhasn't heard the sordid details of the story that forced New York'sGovernor Elliot Spitzer to resign and has now forced his wife Silda andthree young daughters to have to deal with the ramifications of hisactions and the extraordinary pain that goes along with it.
Manywomen have found themselves the unsuspecting victim of their spouse'sbad decisions, and have felt similar shock, hurt, and anger—butrarely does such a personal matter make such public headlines.
OnThursday morning, a brilliant businesswoman/girlfriend of mine who wasrunning in Central Park called me from her cell and left me a messagesaying she was thinking about Silda and felt so bad for her andthat she thought other women did too, and she felt women needed to DOsomething to express themselves to this woman, and that I was the onlyperson who she thought could figure out how to DO something. Shesparked me. I have a platform and I need to do positive things with it.
So with the help of my partners and associates, here's what I am goingto DO. On Tuesday, March 18th, from 12 noon until 2pm, I will beoutside the Heartland Brewery at The Empire State Building at thecorner of 5th Avenue and 34th Street with a camera crew. On behalf ofeveryone at First Wives World, I urge the women of New York to come byfor a few minutes and express their sentiments in a short video messageof compassion and caring to the very dignified and beautiful formerFirst Lady Of New York, Silda Spitzer—just to let her know we care.People sometimes need to do something about matters that weight heavyon their hearts. In times of need, a woman needs girlfriends—and thoughI am certain that Silda has many of her own, the way I see it is…awoman can never have too many. So if you happen to be free, please joinme for a couple minutes and send your own positive, loving, andsupportive video message to Silda Spitzer. Let’s show her she is notalone and has the strength of girlfriends everywhere.
Debbie Nigro
Chief Executive Girlfriend, First Wives World
(Photo: Jeff Christensen, AP)
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Boo that I cannot be there,
Wishing Silda well.....