Think Valentine's Day is going to be a big drag? Think again. There are a few advantages...!
#1 You won't have to hide behind a planter at the hotel check in.
#2 You don't have to shave anything.
#3 It won't matter whether or not your cell phone has reception.
#4 All the chocolate is yours.
#5 You don't have to kill yourself looking for a bud vase.
#6 Nobody has time for a manicure/pedicure during the middle of the week anyway.
#7 You can buy your own flowers in the morning and get it over with.
#8 You can spare yourself a brain tumor trying to find a babysitter.
#9 You can call up all your old boyfriends "legally".
#10 No one is going to ask you to model a G-String.
Debbie Nigro, First Wives World's Chief Executive Girlfriend
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