Lately, I've found myself doing something I haven't done for about 10 years. I lay in bed at night unable to fall asleep, stressing about life.
I haven't done this since college, when I would stress about life post-graduation, where would I work, live, etc.? Basically, I would stress about the future. Not exactly the best thing to do right before falling asleep.
Well, I have been doing it again. It doesn't happen every night but there are several nights a week I find myself tossing and turning or just staring off into space ... thinking. I finally fall to sleep well after midnight.
I worry about my financial situation, my credit going down the drain, my sanity, my happiness. Will I ever marry again? Should I ever marry again? And the list goes on. Again, not exactly the best things to be thinking about before trying to get some solid sleep.
Luckily, it hasn't been happening so often that it is impacting my ability to get up in the morning for work, but it still isn't fun or healthy for that matter.
I have found that reading at night while in bed does help but there are some nights when I'm just not in the mood for reading.
It is interesting because I don't recall having so many sleepless nights while going through my divorce. I think that's because I just wanted to sleep. Sleeping took my mind off the pain so I was eager each night to go to bed and slip into dreamland.
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