I had to go to a conference for work the other day, and as I was roaming the endless sea of exhibit booths, a nearly forgotten memory surfaced.
Late last fall, not long after I learned that John was cheating, I had to leave town for a few days to attend a business conference. It was hard being away in the midst of our marital issues, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. I packed my suitcase and did my best to focus on work for those few days.
On the conference's exhibit floor, I happened to pass by a booth for a company that manufactures pregnancy tests. At that moment, a dreadful thought hit me like a ton of bricks. Why hadn’t I thought of it before? Shaking, sick to my stomach, I darted back to my hotel room to call John. This wasn't going to be a conversation to have on my cell phone in public.
Back in my hotel room, I called John right away. I had to know right then and there: Was it possible this girl was pregnant? Could that be why he seemed so hesitant to break things off with her?
I heard John’s cell phone ringing on the other end. My heart was pounding so hard it felt as though it could have jumped out of my body. After a few rings he answered ...