I travel about a half dozen times a year for my job and it finally happened. I finally sat next to a cute, single guy on the plane!
Up until this moment, I thought only such luck happened in the movies as I'm usually wedged next to a crying baby or someone whose large frame takes up their seat and part of mine.
I first noticed this guy standing off to the side as we waited to board the plane. I didn't think more about him until I was seated on the plane and heard a voice say, "Excuse me." I looked up to find his large blue eyes hovering over me. ("YES!" I think to myself.)
I happily got up so he could slide into the window seat. After a few awkward moments of trying to pry my seatbelt from under his bottom, we started making small talk. He is about my age and in the air force (oh my ... a real life "Top Gun"?!). And to add to his charm, he's from the South so he has a very cute Southern accent.
The one major downfall: He lives in the Midwest and not Manhattan, as I'd hoped.
A very quick hour later our plane lands. For the first time ever, I was hoping that the flight would have lasted for a few more hours. Before deplaning I gave him my business card and told him that if he ever comes to Manhattan he knows where to find me.
I will probably never hear from him, but who knows!
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you never know! I am the