This New Years', I chose to spend the transition from 2007 to 2008 alone. I felt I needed the peace, quiet, and rejuvenation time that only I know how to provide. While it is somewhat sad to say that I spend the ringing of the new year alone, I'm proud of myself for putting my needs first and doing something I enjoy.
With my boys gone for that past week, I been spent a lot of quality time with my family — enjoying their laughs, stories, and presence. I was able to relax and just taken that time out to rest. I feel as though I've been living on adrenaline for the past few months, and my body was showing the signs.
I've lost a great deal of weight, and my family is expressing their concerns at my thinness. Considering I've never been a size 2, even during my prepubescent youth, I can imagine why they're worried. I took the time during my vacation to eat well, buy quality vitamins, and take long walks in an attempt to flourish my inner spirit, and confidence.
The relaxation has done me well. I'm looking forward to only positive things in 2008. We're not on an easy path. Emotions are running rampant, and our hearts are weighted — often to an extreme. However, we are all strong, capable women who will endure and 2008 will be prosperous.