This week, I'm hitting RESET in all areas of my life. It's time to go
back to the starting line with fashion, finances, and fitness. I wonder
if I'll be able to channel my inner Globetrotter and follow through?
The advantages that participation in sports can bring to us are many.
Studies have shown that participation in sports offers psychological, physiological and sociological benefits.
Sports can increase self-esteem and lower depression.
Being an athlete also helps you with your social skills. When you participate in a team sport you have to talk to one another.
Sports are something very valuable to us as a society. Sports can serve as a common denominator.
Briefly speaking and most importantly sports can bring people together.
Good luck Sarah with resetting your life.
Helmy Saber
Cairo, Egypt
Go for it! but don't feel pressure. Just make the decision, keep your head down and move forward. Just keep to the commitment to yourself. You've inspired me to do the same. I'm on diet with exercise as of this moment :) xo, jgirltwo
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Advantages of practising sports
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