It's one of those decisions that once you make it, you better be damn sure you mean it. We've talked about this, but not since shortly after he left. I felt it would be best to bring up the subject again before a processor comes to serve him with papers.
I'd two perfect excuses to call. The first was to check on his grandfather who's in the hospital. I've always liked Clifford — he always treated me very well, as did his grandmother who passed away last year. The second was to tell him one of our close friend's mother passed away this week. I'm sure The Dick hasn't talked with this friend since he left town, so a call would be most appreciated.
After I'd taken care of these two tasks, I began with the real purpose of the call.
"So what are your thoughts on our current situation?" I'm surprised at how casually I transitioned into the line.
"What do you mean? I guess I haven't really thought about it." He stumbled over the words like I had slapped him upside the head.
"I ask because I'm ready to file for divorce and I just didn't want that to come as a surprise."
"You're what? You mean...I didn't think...um...when did...oh, wow..." His voice trailed off.
"We talked about this. I don't ever expect you to come home and you're the one who said that you wanted to start a new life. I'm mostly done with the cancer stuff, so I'm ready to do what comes next on my list. Taking care of this is next. I'm ready to move on with my life."
The words came out so easily, as if I prepared the speech.
"I'm not going to challenge anything. I told you that. But could you just wait until Thursday before you do anything?"
I tell him I will, but I'm not sure why. As I hang up the phone I wonder what Thursday will bring. I wonder what he's up too.
What Others Have Shared ()
Meeting the Attorney
I too was married for a long time; 28 years. I knew this man since I was 15. Or at least I thought I knew this man. It was the most difficult thing to do. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Don't Wait....Go on and do
Don't Wait....Go on and do what you have to do. Stay in control, Don't let the Dick munipulate you into doing what he wants you to do. It may come back and bite you in the ass. I'm so in awe of you and how you've handled your cancer and this divorce. You inspire me!
To wait or not wait..
I'd be concerned and ask is there something I should know? Or move quickly, perhaps ask your attorney what they think. This does not smell right.
Good luck..
Dorothy from grammology
remember to call your grandma
Don't wait
If the Dick wants you to wait until Thursday, do it on Monday! It's time to play hardball with the Dick.
Tiny hugs to you,
The Dick
Did you wait or what? What happened? My divorce has been going on for 8 months. So sick of this and just want to get it over with!
Nothing filed at this point.
I just saw Dick recently and and All I can say is I don't know what is happening at this point. There has been nothing fiflled at this point.