I will never be so careless in choosing a partner again — for whatever the reason. I don't care if it's a square-dance partner, I want some proof that I'm not going to want to smack someone by the end of the night. This fiasco has reminded why I travel alone — or with people I have known for years.
Chastity and I manage to get to the airport with time to spare. She finally made lodging arrangements for our arrival, and we are on our way. About nine hours and one Heathrow layover later, we are in Dublin and in our room — a four person mixed dorm room.
This is fine with me, as there are times — like now, with the dollar so weak against the Euro — that I don't mind economy lodging. Even better was the fact that the room was empty when we arrived. Before the night was over, another wayward traveler entered the mix — the very friendly and handsome "Kyle."
As much as I like to think of having random vacation sex, history has shown that this is just not something that is bound to happen with me. Some days, I wish I had a bit more bravado in that department. But I soon realize that to change that aspect of myself would mean being a different person altogether, I quickly let go of those thoughts. Chastity, however, had another idea.