My ex's visitation is standard — every Wednesday evening and alternate weekends. The children are consistently late to school with him, he's careless with them, and has allowed our son to have candy with peanut butter in — and he's allergic to peanuts.
Last Monday, he didn't even feed them breakfast before school, yet he thinks he's going to prove that the children are best with him? The boys relay things he's said about me — either to them or in their presence — and it isn't pretty. Of course, I'm documenting everything.
With all of the information I have though, it's still very scary to consider that my children could be taken away from me. That I don't have any power or decision-making ability in this case — that it now stands in the hands of a judge and a guardian ad litem. I know he's trying to paint a picture that I'm such a bad person and influence. I hate that and I know it's not true.
My injunction for protection is due to expire very soon. My son came home from his last visitation saying that "there are going to be fireworks on November 21st!" Coming from a five-year-old boy, that alarmed me very much — that's the exact date the injunction expires. How would a five-year-old be privy to such information?
It will surely be addressed in our next meeting with the judge. I sincerely need some positive vibes — please!
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Good Luck!
I will be praying for you this week! I did not have kids with my ex, so I cannot imagine what you are going through. You are strong and have all that you need inside of you to get through this. Good vibes are coming your way!
Take care,
Thank you! I will use them.
Taylor Raine