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Readers Cry Out For Help...

Posted to Ask the Community by Katherine McKee on Tue, 10/02/2007 - 4:15pm

At First Wives World, we receive many letters from women asking for advice, support and coping strategies. These writers are looking to us and our community for emotional support.

We want you to know you aren't alone. FWW is a place you can come to share your thoughts and feelings and to get feedback from other women. Please remember, however, that the community is not a replacement for mental health professionals.

Yesterday, we heard from a woman who's reeling after her husband left their 25-year-old marriage. Today, we have a letter from a woman who suffered the loss of her brother, mother and the crumbling her marriage all within a year.

Here we offer excerpts from the letter for you to read and comment on. A few of the details have been changed to protect the identity of the writer. If you have thoughts you'd like to share, please comment below.

"I was in a long distance relationship with my soon-to-be ex- husband. Me in Chicago, he in California. I had a great job as an event planner and met my future husband at opening a club opening where he was performing. We caught each other's eye and met after the show, talked for three hours, exchanged #'s and talked on the phone for the next four months. ...

We fell in love and were in a long distance relationship for seven years. Got married in 2002 and are now getting divorced. Fast forward: My brother was diagnosed with cancer in March of 2006 and my husband decided he wanted a divorce at the same time, it was horrible but we ended up staying together.

Once we were married, my husband became extremely emotionally, verbally and mentally abusive. He would tell me constantly that he couldn't promise he'd be there for me tomorrow and he'd constantly threaten divorce. My brother suffered so badly and watching him die was so extremely horrible and having my husband turn his back on me and be so rotten to me during all of it was beyond words.

My brother's death just sent my 83-year-old mother into a nose dive and she died 4 1/2 months later. A month after that, my husband told me again that he wanted a divorce. This was after we had gotten back together after my brother died and renewed our vows. The shock value of all of it has sent me into the depths of despair, not to mention that the night before my mother died I was in Chicago and could not reach him for hours and hours only to find out later that he was with a woman that was supposed to be a friend of mine. ...

I called home and cell many, many times crying and saying to please call me. He didn't answer and did not call me back until 1:30 a.m. and told me he was in the garage waxing his car. I was too distraught to question it. It turned out he was with this woman and I also found out that he'd been talking to and possibly seeing an ex-girlfriend.

One month after my mother died, he told me he wanted a divorce and I had to figure out what I was going to do, where I was going to go, etc. It has been horrible, he was so completely rotten to me through all of it and I would cry and say why are you doing this to me, I'm hurting enough.

Not only was he divorcing me but he moved out of our home, in with his mother leaving me to deal with everything myself, I could barely function, too much loss, I felt like I wanted to die but would never do that. When he would come to the house to get things he would do horrible things to me. He took every framed picture of us off the wall or on shelved and busted the frames and ripped up the pictures.

Then when I was not at the house since I was at a counseling appointment I came home to find that he had erased all of our wedding pictures and travels and all the pictures of my family basically all the pictures off the computer, thousands of pictures, the last pictures of me with my mom. Everything. He also went so far as to erase all the programs that I had TiVoed. He erased all phone messages. He was just out to hurt me as much as he possibly can, yet he would still tell me how much he loved me.

I am now living in a home by myself, I have not gotten back to work yet since I can't seem to pull it together. I have nightmares just about every night and have not slept through a night in over a year and a half. I am on Wellbutrin but can no longer afford counseling since I have no medical insurance. I can't seem to pick myself up. There's so much more to this but I can't go into it."

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