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Life's Short...

Posted to Ask the Community by Katherine McKee on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 3:42pm
So remember that racy billboard in Chicago that declared: “Life’s Short. Get a Divorce.”?

Well, now a married couple that also happen to be marital coaches put up their own billboard with a distinctly marriage-minded message: “Life’s Short. Your Marriage Doesn’t Have To Be.”

Ray and Jean Kadkhodaian say they were shocked by the billboard promoting divorce (mounted by a female-headed law firm specializing in divorce), and decided to send their own message.

In a press statement, the couple said: "The current divorce rate continues to be an epidemic and depressing cloud overshadowing couples today. This is complicated by the ease and normalcy of divorce portrayed in our society. We just wanted to offer couples another option."

The Kadkhodaians run an emotional wellness center in Arlington Heights, Ill., a Chicago suburb. Their practice is dedicated to preventing divorce and offering couples the resources to stay together.

What do you think? Are there enough resources spent on educating people about divorce prevention options? Are we simply a "throw-away" society in which marriage is merely a disposable commodity?

Let us know what you think.

For more on this story, click here:

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