I am working at an educational facility, and prior to this divorce proceeding, was working with my ex. When I filed for a restraining order, I spoke to my boss and got transferred into a new department. At first, I thought this move was up my alley, but I realize now that I'm just bored. I just don't foresee the job duties changing in the near future, either.
Something that I love about work is the reciprocation from others, but right now I'm pretty much surrounded by the walls of my cubicle, left alone. This is good in some respects, but I'm essentially bored.
I'd much rather be busy and interacting with people — even if they're not my friends — than alone and left with the devices of a blank computer screen. I miss interaction.
Before I got married, I had visions of what I wanted for my life. Many of those visions haven't changed. I just wonder if it's too soon to start making some changes for myself. I know any change will come with its own set of challenges, but I feel I need to have other people surrounding me now. I feel it will help buffer the bad challenges in my life right now.
I question my intentions and my need for some change, but think I need to go with my gut that says "make a move, it's in your best interests." Is that wrong?
What Others Have Shared ()
how you feel is how you
how you feel is how you feel- change is always viewed as scary- almost taboo. I say go for it! Something in you is telling you to try something new. You've got nothing to lose.
Never too soon
Agreed! It is only too soon, if you decide it is. The right time for change is when you desire it, because your insides won't rest until you move closer to what you want, or find something you want more. It is human nature to seek out happiness,... part of our self-preservation instinct. =)
Thanks for your insight. I've heard so many people make rash decisions when getting divorced, or after leaving abusive relationships. I just want to make rationale decisions. I appreciate your words of wisdom.
Taylor Raine
Not at all!!!!!!
I agree with the others