Yes, divorce is everywhere! I'm sure you've noticed the media is overflowing with trend stories about divorce, celebrity and other high-profile splits, financial and legal tips and coping strategies from experts. With divorce so prevalent, First Wives World's influence reaches far and wide. Case in point: A reader in Melbourne, Australia has written to First Wives World to find out how to set up a "chapter" in her city!
Mary Dettman writes that she's been divorced for 11 years and hasn't found a suitable partner: "Is there a First Wives World in Melbourne. If there is not, could I set up a club and how do I go about this?"
Great questions Mary. We've observed divorce rates escalating in Austalia, China, India and just about everywhere in the world. We've been blogging on these stories on a regular basis and we know that women are looking for resources, partners, entertainment and support!
Stay tuned. First Wives World will be creating a system to facilitate offline "clubs" and meetup groups for you to engage with one another. We look forward to sharing our plans with all of you. And thanks Mary, for writing!
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Wives going global
Well done. It's quite obvious that divorce ain't just for the Manhattanites... It's global folks.
So what to do? Is it time start "First Wives Clubs"? Where can you take us next?