
A Reader Asks For Help

Posted to Ask the Community by WivesWire on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 12:15pm
First Wives World received a letter from a reader whose ex-husband has terminal cancer and is undergoing major surgery. She is appealing to the community for advice. Can you help her?

"I am a single mom of two. Divorced for seven years...and yes, the anger can subside... Nine months ago, my ex found out he has terminal cancer. He needs to have two surgeries next month where they will emove 3/4 of his liver and his colon. There is a very good chance he may not survive the surgeries. ...My ex did remarry and is in the middle of his second divorce. They were only married four years. He and I were married nine.

The question I have is: Who is entitled to receive the Social Security benefits? Does the check go to the kids, the second wife or to me? ...The second wife called and is saying all this stuff about who gets what and what will be left of the estate. I said I'm not sure, but the estate isn't even an issue because the man isn't dead and he has a living will and testament so whatever he puts down is how it is split.

Am I being naïve? Please help."

What do you think? Has any of you been in a similar situation? Share your thoughts.

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