That's Why I'm Still Single

Ten things that remind me to stay unattached.


Let's face it: Men do a lot of stupid things. Every once-in-a-while, though, they do something that just screams out: "Never, never, never get involved with another man so long as you live."

Today, I've collected the top then things men have been known to do that remind me that I'm just fine without one around the house.

  1. Invite me to your house, give me driving directions, and when I call you an hour later because I'm still lost, put me on hold to answer another call.
  2. While at a restaurant with me, flirt shamelessly with the female waitress and ask her if she's single.
  3. While at a restaurant with me, flirt shamelessly with the male waiter and ask him if he's single.
  4. On our second date, I excuse myself to use your powder room. I come back and find you butt-ass naked on the couch.
  5. When we pull into a gas station, you look over at me and ask if I would mind pumping the gas you don't want to get your hands dirty
  6. After being gone for a week, the first people you call are your guy friends. You go out with them that night, get drunk, and call me at 2AM for some late night fun.
  7. Wake up in the morning and try to kiss me without brushing your teeth first
  8. After sex, get up, clean yourself off, throw me a cold washcloth, and say "Have at it."
  9. On Valentine's Day, buy me a dozen roses. Then tell me you forgot to get your mother something, and would I mind if you gave them to her.
  10. Upon seeing me naked for the first time, ask if a tan would help make the cellulite on my legs less noticeable.


None of this could be true...

None of this could be true...please tell me these things didn't really happen to you or anyone you know. I haven't dated in a while and my divorce isn't final yet. If that is what it is like out there I am staying married.

Oh god! Sooo true! Thanks

Oh god! Sooo true! Thanks for making me laugh!


I had the butt-assed naked

I had the butt-assed naked thing happen. It was on the 4th date for me. I was still trying to decide whether I had any interest in seeing him naked. He took that decision right out of my hands.

I fed him a face full of clothed butt on my way out the door!

I hope your weekend in the city has been spectacular Jeanne.

Cathy Meyer

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