Love Expands Your Horizons

Does it expand your waistline too?

My mother called me recently and mentioned that my brother's girlfriend has gained ten pounds since she started dating my brother — needless to say, she's not too pleased.

I don't really like my brother's girlfriend, so I don't feel sorry for her — at all.

However, when I think about my own roller coaster weight, I notice a pattern. When it has been up, I have been in a relationship, and overall, I was thinner when I was single. What's the deal with that?

Perhaps, I had more time when I was single to work out because my focus wasn't on another person — it was completely on me. My brother's girlfriend says the pounds started showing up because my brother likes to eat late at night. I have to agree: it's hard to resist when your partner orders the naughty treats that you only dream of indulging in.

So, can a relationship actually make you gain weight? I think it definitely can. When another person enters your life, the routine you have established is thrown out of whack, though this is not necessarily a bad thing.

Change is inevitable — and makes us stronger as individuals — but I want to know: How do you maintain a healthy figure and a healthy relationship?


I Go reverse and lose weight when I'm 'in'

Every time I'm "into" someone I go reverse from you and drop the pounds . If I could ever package the stuff that kills your apetite after a break-up , I'd be a zillionaire. J

It's hard when you are

It's hard when you are comfortable in a relationship- and it's wonderful, but a healthy relationship to me goes with a healthy lifestyle. It can be something as easy as working out together, or setting time aside to work out alone. That can be beneficial as well.


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