I started writing about a year and a half ago. I've always enjoyed writing and during the period of time when my husband was so efficiently and intentionally ignoring me, I decided to go ahead and try to score a paid writing gig, which luckily for me happened pretty quickly.
My writing career grew exponentially after that, much to my husband's dismay. Although he claims to be proud of the writing jobs I get, he has more than once complained about how inconvenient it all is for him.
I still maintain the house and I am still 100 percent responsible for the kids throughout the day, so it isn't as if I ignore my responsibilities in order to get some writing done. I write at night sometimes, but if I try to do that too often my husband gets quite annoyed. Essentially, I try to write when my son naps or sometimes when the kids watch a DVD.
It's as if I'm sneaking in some putrid habit and hiding it from my husband. Ever since I told him I wanted to leave he agreed to give me a couple hours on the weekend to go do something on my own, and more often than not I use that time to write since I don't get much time otherwise.
Recently I received a few copies in the mail of a book I contributed to. This put me into the realm of a published author, and I was thrilled beyond belief. My husband, on the other hand, did not even bother to open one of the books and read my chapter, and I was completely crushed. He did read it eventually (in the bathroom, as a matter of fact), and he told me it was "good." That was the sum of his reaction.
Is it too much to ask to have a husband who is excited about my accomplishments?
What Others Have Shared ()
Maybe he is afraid of your accomplishments.
He's Frightened