For some reason, I blocked this memory from my mind. In my heavily medicated (I have a serious case of the flu going on) — and apparently incredibly pensive state, I was reminded of an incident from this year's formal.
During the course of the evening, I was approached by an associate of mine who decided to make a kind and predictable gesture, and pay me a compliment. As everyone was dressed in dress that night, it was an appropriate thing to do. Only, this was a compliment gone wrong.
This individual, who shall remain nameless (more for the sake of his wife than for him), proceeded to tell me how my appearance that evening was enough to make him question his 12 years of marriage, and that if he in fact weren't married, that I would have had to beat him off with a stick.
Now, I don't know what kind of a compliment he thought that was, but for me this was completely inappropriate and unacceptable. What made this guy think that this kind of talk was appropriate? Does he think that 12 years of matrimony gives him latitude to say whatever he wants?
Is it because I'm single? Is it because I went to this function without a date? Is it because he's an asshole who doesn't know how to behave in public? Would he dared to have said this if I had been accompanied by an "other" — significant or not?
The whole ordeal boggles the mind while simultaneously chaffing the soul.
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All he could have said was-