When my husband proposed to me a dozen years ago, he said, "You elevate me." I knew it was hyperbole, but it was pretty romantic. (And I said, "Right back at ya.")
"Together we can charm them all," he said, "We'll make our entrances. You'll whisper to me what to say."
And what not to say. That was our little arrangement. And it worked well for 10 years.
Now it's Year 12, and my whispered cues are just annoyances to him. I know we didn't write this anywhere in a pre-nup — hell, we don't have a pre-nup. But wasn't that part of our "deal"?
When did he stop taking my cues?
When did my telling him to switch ties or switch topics become perceived as an attack?
When did he start calling me a control freak?
He's fired me as his stage prompter. Now my job is doing damage control the next day.
It used to be okay when it was just us, and we made love on the kitchen stool when he would sneak home for lunch.
But now we are a family, and I have to defend more than my husband's choice of words, or choice of tie.
Now it's the whole fabric I must defend. It's the franchise. He and I have had a tacit agreement for years: He would glad hand, and I would maintain the franchise.
By that I mean, it was up to me to make sure our kids got haircuts, shook hands with grown-ups, and didn't run in the pool area.
It was my job to make sure everything looked good to the outside world. All he had to do was show up and — literally or figuratively — pat everyone on the head.
Quaint as it seems, it's worked for us, for a decade. But now he complains about the kids' haircuts. He doesn't care if they shake hands or not. He doesn't even know what the pool rules are, let alone have any interest in enforcing them.
My cues — once no louder than a whisper — are becoming fights in the car, fights that last right up until we pull into the driveway.
One night, it won't end there.
But tonight, while he's brushing his teeth, I'll slide out to the back yard, and make sure he didn't leave the sprinkler on again. It's easier to do that than to talk to him about it.
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