Two months into the school year and every week Roxie's homework is due on Friday. She gets these four-page packets on Monday, has all week to work them. This is the routine. It does not change.
Ten-word spelling list, journal page, math page, reading log, and a page to practice her 10 spelling words. Never mind that I think this is a ridiculous amount of work for a first grader.
Never mind that Roxie has visual processing stuff — like everyone in my family has processing stuff — and it makes writing a bear for her. This week she did so much by Tuesday, I gave her Wednesday afternoon off.
Plenty of time, and not much to finish with Sam Thursday night.
Accept they didn't.
Maybe this should not infuriate me. We do this every single week, this homework routine. It does not change.
Sam and I work with her 50-50. I told him Wednesday exactly what needed to be done Thursday. I get home late Thursday night, kids are in bed and it still needs to be done.
I want to be furious with him, but I remember something. Sam has an auditory processing disorder. He does not learn by ear and he does not retain information given verbally — he does not think this is true. But it is.
Most of his family is this way. I've never sat at a quieter dinner table.
And here's impact of learning/processing differences on a relationship — my relationship. Because me, I'm just the opposite. Just like Roxie. My ears are everything.
How I understand the world is conversation and I need lots of it to thrive. Reading is tedious, I'm slow and remember almost nothing.
Sam knows the world with his eyes, it's all visual. The way I get little from a book and don't remember it anyway, that's what conversation is for Sam.
I know these things. If I don't write it down for Sam he will not remember. It's completely counter intuitive to me though, so I forget. And I'm not angry with him, but...
How did I end up with a man who gets so little from conversation, it often does not occur to him to have one I ask myself again, and again and again, can I be in a Forever relationship with a man wired so exactly opposite?
The love is there. No question.
But I whither without deep conversation.
And I get why Sam can't — not won't — can't track things like homework if I don't write it down. But, still, I'm pissed off.
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