The other day I was cruising around online for success/failure statistics on re-marrying your ex and the closest thing I could find was an un-sourced article that said there are none. Helpful.
If I'd found the numbers, they wouldn't really apply to me anyway, being as I never technically divorced my ex before the reunification.
And, really, who cares about the numbers anyway?
What I found way more practical than a bunch of numbers that have little to do with my husband, my relationship, and my attempt to raise it up from the ashes was a list of 10 tips for making a second marriage work.
It's the kind of stuff we talk about in therapy every week. Right now the biggie for me is flexibility, figuring out how to integrate all my solo routines back into a partnership lifestyle without feeling like I've forfeited myself.
These first few weeks it's been rough transitioning back to being on as a mom everyday; I've mourned the me time I had half of every week and I realized I'm just as exhausted by the change in routine as I was when I left two years ago.
Aha, there's that aha moment. The change in routine. It's the transition exhausting me, the recalibration itself, more than specifics of how things are changing.
That whole first year of separation was a struggle to figure out how. How to do it all myself. How to get dinner on the table every night and kids to school on time every morning. The second year, I had it down.
Easy isn't the right word, but it stopped feeling impossible.
Flexibility for me right now is all about figuring out how to do it differently, and remembering that's okay.
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Second Marriage Second Weddings
How To Make The Second Marriage Work
I read "feeling like you've