Actress Sara Rue has filed for divorce from husband Mischa Livingstone. The two were married in 2001 but have been separated since 2006. Rue cited the ever-popular irreconcilable differences as the reason for the dissolution, and the couple has no children. No word on terms of the settlement as of yet, but hey, there's always the off chance this could turn into a money battle.
Donna D'Errico passed out in a courthouse bathroom a day after requesting the judge in her divorce case grant her a postponement due to her health. The judge had denied her request initially, but after this he did reschedule the trial. D'Errico and soon to be ex Nikki Sixx are still trying to get the financial details of their case in order. Whether D'Errico was truly ill or simply pulled a little stunt to get what she wanted is anyone's guess, but I'd be willing to bet she was sick. Most people aren't lying on a bathroom floor just for kicks, after all.
Former model and current "Top Chef" host Padma Lakshmi spoke out earlier this week on why her marriage to author Salman Rushdie ended. She denies any rumors that she was involved with someone else, and calls Rushdie the greatest love of her life, and that they tried to work it out, but things were just too hard. She also confessed that Rushdie's announcement of the split to Vanity Fair hurt her because she hadn't expected he'd reveal so much. I sympathize with her, if for no other reason than it must be heartbreaking when the sentiment is still there on both sides but the logistics of the relationship aren't working. Course, she does also say that she broke her desire to split to him by email. Ouch.
Former New Jersey governor James McGreevey and his estranged wife Dina are battling over who will pay what share of their daughter's therapy. The judge ordered an equal split, but Dina contends that he should pay two-thirds since he makes twice as much money as she does. I'm not sure what the tot is in therapy for, but if its at all related to her daddy coming out on national television and leaving her mom, I really don't see the problem in making him pony up the dough.
Last but not least, a Heather Mills story! Super, right? This is about her new publicist, and I must say, Heather hired the right woman, because this chick looks to be even crazier than her client. Distraction, anyone? Publicist Michele Elyzabeth has lashed out at her client's detractors. Now, she could have chosen any number of people to fix upon: Sir Paul, Stella McCartney, most anyone on TV, writing for newspapers, or countless blog writers such as myself. Ms Elyzabeth chose instead to fire first at the ladies of "The View" in a video blog on her website. Little crazy, perhaps, but, it has drawn the attention of the media away from Mills for the time being. Perhaps this lady isn't quite as nuts as we might all have suspected.