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What Are Your Favorite Divorce Lines?

Posted to Ask the Community by Faith Eggers on Fri, 11/09/2007 - 10:30am
What is it about some people that makes them utterly incapable of understanding how painfully damaging a divorce is? I'm getting tired of hearing the following phrases:

"Forget about him" — Oh sure, that's easy. Adrian isn't a constant reminder of him or anything silly like that. Silly me, here I've been in this state of utter agony for God knows how long when all I had to do was forget about him! Boy, do I feel like an idiot now.

"Move on with your life" — I swear on everything that is sacred to me, if I hear that one more time I may haul off and smack someone. As if I haven't moved on with my life. As if I haven't been doing everything in my power to blow full steam ahead. OF COURSE I'm moving on with my life — I have no f@%$ing choice! That doesn't mean that its not ridiculously hard.

"You'll find someone better" — This one really gets me. It implies that first of all, I married a total loser — which admittedly I did, but still, nobody likes their mistakes rubbed in their face — and secondly, it implies that I am looking for somebody "better." It also seems to imply that when I find that better someone, that I will miraculously recover and "forget about him" — the first "him", not the "better" him.

"I never liked him anyway" — Oh my God! First of all, whether or not you — "you" = my mom, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends — ever liked him anyway is pretty much irrelevant to me, especially now. And if in fact you never did like him, why didn't you tell me? You could have spared me all of this. Thanks a lot.

There are many more, but to me these are the worst. Which ones get you?

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