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Wanted: Online Dating Advice

Posted to Ask the Community by Faith Eggers on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 11:15am
I've decided that I want to start dating again. I don't know why except, well, maybe I'm bored and dying for some adult conversation. Or maybe I'm just looking for a new way to torture myself!

As I said in a post awhile back, men were beating down my door. "Were" is the operative word here, ladies. I knew that as soon as I was interested, there wouldn't be a prospect in sight. Sigh.

I asked all of my friends where they meet their men and I got the same answers over and over again. The bar and online.

Okay, meeting men at a bar is just not my style. I loathe cheesy pick-up lines, drunken morons, the drunken morons' drunken friends, and the disgusting, humiliating, or awkward one-night-stand that usually occurs when you meet a guy at a bar.

The online dating thing is something I used to balk at, but now it seems as if everyone is doing it. So, if everyone is doing it, why don't I give it a shot?

However, since I over analyze everything, I've decided to conduct some research as to which sites are most effective, least offensive — trust me some of them are very offensive — and draw a younger 20s and 30s crowd. Maybe I should save my time and call Levi — he seemed to have a pretty good handle on all of this!

Have any of you tried online dating? Does anyone have any success stories?

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