As I said in a post awhile back, men were beating down my door. "Were" is the operative word here, ladies. I knew that as soon as I was interested, there wouldn't be a prospect in sight. Sigh.
I asked all of my friends where they meet their men and I got the same answers over and over again. The bar and online.
Okay, meeting men at a bar is just not my style. I loathe cheesy pick-up lines, drunken morons, the drunken morons' drunken friends, and the disgusting, humiliating, or awkward one-night-stand that usually occurs when you meet a guy at a bar.
The online dating thing is something I used to balk at, but now it seems as if everyone is doing it. So, if everyone is doing it, why don't I give it a shot?
However, since I over analyze everything, I've decided to conduct some research as to which sites are most effective, least offensive — trust me some of them are very offensive — and draw a younger 20s and 30s crowd. Maybe I should save my time and call Levi — he seemed to have a pretty good handle on all of this!
Have any of you tried online dating? Does anyone have any success stories?
What Others Have Shared ()
Old Fashioned Way
I've never used online dating services before, and can say that I've never met anyone that it did any good. Why don't you ask around. I'm sure your friends or family know of some decent, respectable gentleman, that fit your criteria as someone you might want to go out with...
And, you usually find people, where you least suspect them....
Taylor Raine
It's chancy...but it can work...
I have used a couple dating websites, and I've met people that I've encountered in online forums and even chatrooms. There's always a risk, and of course its much easier to misrepresent yourself behind a computer screen than in a bar.
However, I have had some fun dates, and I had a relationship that lasted a year with a man I met online, so it can be successful. Just make sure and be safe. If setting up a meeting, make sure and meet somewhere public and let someone know where you're going to be. Watch for red flags, like him not letting you call or being dodgy when you ask about previous relationships. Unfortunately it seems many married men are looking for the one night stand or a discreet sex partner, and the anonymity of the internet makes it easy.
Be careful, and keep your options open. It can be very rewarding!
I joined one online
I joined one online community that had dating as a component -- and I had a lot of success with it. I met some very smart and interesting people, and had I been interested in a more long-term relationship, I definitely would have found one. I don't know if I would have been as successful if the site had been *just* for dating - I've looked at a couple of them and haven't found them at all appealing. It's all about the site, I think.
I'm curious to know what
I'm curious to know what that site is....
okcupid -- terrible name, lovely place. A lot of people just mosey about in the journals - a lot of snarky and intelligent people.
OK, I'll check it out!
Online Dating
I am in the same boat! My mother keeps harassing me to go online but it's so not me. I go out a lot but agree that I lost likely will not meet anyone serious in a bar...although that is how I met Steve. New York is tough for online dating. My girlfriends all bash it, yet some of my friends have had great success. Keep us posted on what you end up doing...and if you find the answer to the mystery question "Where do you meet single me", feel free to share!
I know my friends all bash it too but then I find them all on there anyhow. New York is tough for dating in general......so competitive!! If I find any answers I'll be sure to let you know.
No! I've had no luck. Seems like men can 'talk a good talk' online but once I meet them their picture suddenly doesn't look anything like them or does their personality, or lack of one, reflect what they wrote. Anyone else have any good ideas of meeting men outside of bars and online??????
I have no idea!!! my mom was
advice that worked for a friend
I need help with starting
Do your homework first and you Cinderella will find your prince
online dating