We’re planning a vacation.
When I say “we,” you’d think I was talking about my immediate family: my little son, my big son, my fiancé. You’d be almost right. They’re definitely coming. We might even bring the nanny.
We’re also bringing my ex.
I’m one of the lucky ones. I get along with my ex. My fiancé gets along with my ex. We’re like three peas in a very weird and dysfunctional pod. (Any “Pod People” comments will be ignored.) When we got married, we were young and stupid and didn’t know any better. When we separated, we were still young, still stupid, and still didn’t know any better.
Now we get along well. He asks me for dating advice. I tell him he’s better than the useless women he dates. Like I said before, I’d totally give him a reference.
Anyway, I haven’t been to Disney since I was a kid. My ex has never been, and neither have the kids. We’re trying to decide between California and Florida. Bart, my ex, wants to go to the one with the best football team. Michael wants to go to the one with the best candy. I wouldn’t mind going to the one with the best, uh, Disney.
Does anyone have any advice?
What Others Have Shared ()
I can't speak for CA, only FL and it's awesome. We found it really helpful to buy one of those Disney planning books ahead of time so you can sort out which park on which day, etc. In person the first time, it can be incredibly overwhelming. We also learned (the hard way) that it's much better to fly in later in the day, get settled in the hotel (we stayed at the cheapest Disney hotel so we would be on site and use their transportation) and then hit the pool. Let your body relax from the ickyness of plane travel, then wait til the next day to hit the park. It's fun but exhausting. Tell Mickey we said hello!
It won't matter
I was thrilled to get my kids to what we regarded as the 'true' Disneyland - the original one in California - last year. It was amazing and the California Adventure Park next to it is wonderful as well. We stayed at the Disneyland Hotel and this is to be recommended. Being 'right there' is wonderful. I wouldn't spend too long deciding on which one to go to, just go! If both is out of the question, either will be great. For us, it was every bit as good as it promised to be.
Karen Morath