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Maybe Marriage Isn’t For Everybody

Posted to Ask the Community by Naomi Dunne on Sat, 11/24/2007 - 7:00pm

When I first read the poll that’s currently running on the sidebar of First Wives World, I was surprised. The question running right now is “Will you consider marrying again?” Obviously, since I’m engaged to be married now, my answer is pretty clear. But I was surprised by the number of people who said “No, never again."

At the time of this writing, 27 percent of readers say they will never marry again. I found it interesting that more than a quarter of divorced women would not even consider walking down the aisle again in their lifetime.

It’s so easy to become convinced that your own viewpoint is the right one. I’ve always thought that marriage is about the couple, not the institution. It would appear that not everyone shares my view. When I told my partner about the poll, I likened it to food. “That’s like eating sushi, hating it, and then saying you’re never going to eat food again. Not all food is sushi.” I know that was a fairly broad, sweeping statement, but I wonder about its truth.

When I first separated from my husband, I had no idea how my life was going to go. I was so young — I’m still so young — and I would have felt pretty ridiculous saying something so final.

My first thought was that women who responded in that way were just reacting to the pain that was incurred by their first — or most recent — husbands. Now I’m not so sure. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe marriage really isn’t for everyone.

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