A.J. Wylder's picture

The Flashback Continues

Posted to House Bloggers by A.J. Wylder on Mon, 09/24/2007 - 4:15pm
My heart pounding in my chest, I heard John answer the phone. Realizing that there was no delicate way to bring up the subject, I decided that it was best to just ask: Did he use protection, and was there any way this girl he was cheating with was pregnant?

I told him I was asking because he wouldn't break off the fling, despite insisting he didn't have strong feelings for her. It just didn't make sense to me.

He swore that he used protection, and that she was not pregnant — not that his word meant much. I interrogated him, but he insisted that was not the situation, so I just had to take his word.

It's been nearly a year since that conversation, and I have no reason to believe that John wasn't telling the truth — about that at least.

What stands out, though, is how I felt that day. The thought that my husband could have gotten someone else pregnant was terrible — it felt as though my life was on the brink of crumbling. In some ways, it was more painful than simply knowing he had been unfaithful.

I was lucky and wasn't dealt those cards, but I will never forget what a horrific feeling it was. It was a feeling I hope I never, ever have to experience again.


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