Jane Wesman is president and founder of Jane Wesman Public Relations and the author of Dive Right In — The Sharks Won't Bite: The Entrepreneurial Woman's Guide to Success, which The New York Times called "a clear and concise blueprint for the tasks of operating a business".
Wesman earned a bachelor's degree in English Literature and Journalism at Simmons College in Boston. She has served as treasurer of the Publishers PublicityAssociation; as Program Chair and as a Board Member of the Women's Media Group; and as Program Committee Chair of ArtTable, an organization of professional women in the arts. She has also donated her time to such organizations as Learning Through Art and the Goddard Riverside Book Fair for the Homeless. Wesman has taught at the Learning Annex, the American Woman's Economic Development Corporation, and the Fashion Institute of Technology.
For more information visit www.wesmanpr.com.