
Imogen Lloyd Webber earned her degree from Cambridge University. The daughter of renowned composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, she has a achieved her own notoriety as a well known writer and broadcaster in the United Kingdom.

Webber regularly contributes to various national newspapers and television networks. Her book, The Single Girl’s Survival Guide: Secrets for Today’s Savvy, Sexy, and Independent Woman, has a universal appeal and is relevant to women of all ages. Webber employs a tone that is both irreverent and funny to deliver a smart and sassy guide to work, mind, body, home, friends, socializing, and, of course, dating and sex.

The Guide aims to equip the "single girl" with tools to handle the everyday challenges which confront her such as family-inspired guilt trips, the holiday season, handling a “plus-one” invitation, the office Christmas party, dealing with Valentine’s Day, and even roommate disasters.

The Single Girl’s Survival Guide includes input from real women, both married and divorced. Issues ranging from the pitfalls of "the single life" to looking and feeling your best are explored.

The Single Girl’s Survival Guide is not "how to" find a man book, but rather a resource of tools to enable you to "steer a safe passage through the stormy waters of the single girl’s world, limit the seasickness, and even enjoy the trip.”

Single status is not cause to feel unhappy and desperate, but instead occasion to be proud and empowered.

For more information visit www.singlegirlssurvivalguide.com

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