Michelle Rosenthal's picture

How Do I Respond To This?

Posted to House Bloggers by Michelle Rosenthal on Wed, 11/28/2007 - 4:00pm
Shawn and I met a few months back on Cinco de Mayo. We were at a roof deck party overlooking Manhattan and I have to be honest, I looked good. I was skinny from stress and had just left the salon to get my hair blown out in preparation for my first bachelorette party post-separation.

He was nice but didn't make much of an impact, as nothing occurred other than a few moments of conversation. The Saturday night before Halloween, Karen, Melissa and I went to a party at the Tribeca Grand Hotel and I ran into Shawn again.

We hung out the entire evening and he didn't leave my side. I felt a bit suffocated but I was trying to be nice, so I entertained it. He wanted my number, which I gave him, and a goodnight kiss, which I did not. After all, I wasn't really interested.

He called, I decided to be open-minded, and we made plans for the following week. The evening before our date, he leaves me a message. "Good news, if we go out a week from Wednesday, I'll be ready to show you a great time. Bad news, we need to re-schedule since I have an early flight for a business trip and had a long weekend. Call me back to discuss."

I was a bit peeved since I really didn't want to go to begin with and I'd cancelled plans with my trainer for this. At work on the day of the cancelled date, I was offered two amazing tickets to the Rangers game. I had nothing to lose, so I called him. He was game, and plans were reinstated.

We had a great time and ended up engrossed in a very deep conversation about family. That's when he told me he doesn't want to get married or have children. How do you respond to a statement like that when those are the two things you want more than anything?


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