Faith Eggers's picture

Getting Ready For Round Two

Posted to House Bloggers by Faith Eggers on Wed, 10/31/2007 - 5:30pm
I woke up on the morning of my birthday a year older — and just in time to take a shower and rushed off to Family Court. When I got there I realized I shouldn't have rushed.

"Hurry up and wait" seemed to be the motto for the day.

I took my seat in the Petitioner's waiting room and waited. And waited. And waited. At noon, the woman sitting next to me asked what time I was supposed to be there for. "Ten o'clock," I answered. "What about you?"

"Nine-thirty." That started a group conversation about how long we'd all been sitting there, and then led into a conversation about why we were all there.

The stories I heard were awful. Every woman there, and the one man, had been there time and time again — all for child support. Every single one of them trying to collect child support from their exes. I spoke to one woman who told me this was her fifteenth time there. Five years — and she hasn't seen a cent. I spoke to a man who told me that he's been raising his daughter on his own since birth — she's now thirteen — and has only received $300 from his ex.

They finally called my name at two-thirty and I went into the court room — alone. Levi didn't show up. The judge decided to give Levi another chance to show up and adjourned the case until next month. Looks as if I'm due for a round two — at least.

Are any of our First Wives World readers having a similar problem? Have any of you been to court multiple times for child support?


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