Akillah Wali's picture

Sick And Single In The City

Posted to House Bloggers by Akillah Wali on Sun, 03/16/2008 - 1:00pm

This is the worst I've felt in years.

This past Thursday, I was hit with the meanest case of the flu I've ever had in my adult life, complete with fever-induced chills and a chest-rattling cough. Even my abs hurt from all the convulsing brought on by this illness. Insult to injury, as was discussed in a previous post, my "friends" — save for one, were nowhere to be found. If any of these other "friends" had been ill, they would be begging for me to make some of my kick-ass chicken soup. And I would have, because that's what friends do.

But I've already discussed the need to divorce my friends, so I will move on.

Friday was the absolute worst of the whole ordeal. I awoke suddenly in the middle of the night unable to breathe. My air passage had all but closed, and the portion that was still open was blocked by all that fun stuff that comes with being congested. I was frightened, and rightfully so. Single, isolated and on a fifth floor walk-up: Does it really get any worse than that? If I couldn't have cleared my air passages that night, there is no guarantee that I would be telling this story today.

These are the things that keep a single person awake at night - they also manage to consume the greater part of one's days. I am sure my thought process will return to normal once I've recovered, but for now...


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