Great Expectations is a classic by Charles Dickens... the title kind of describes where I'm at right now. Expectations of greatness and grandeur seem to be plaguing me a lot as my second wedding approaches in April.

I recently read Akillah Wali's posting "The Worst Kind of Abuse." I could totally relate. Why are we so hard on ourselves? Why do we constantly put the weight of the universe on our shoulders? I am not sure, but my Super Woman cape is a bit tattered and torn.

I have always been goal-oriented and pushed myself to the brink of burnout time and time again. As I've gotten older, I can see the warning signs a bit better and am able to rein myself in before I totally shut down.

But these days, I'm navigating in unchartered waters. I feel that I can handle the expectations of my career and also within my relationship with my fiancé. The problem I'm having is the anxiety of meeting the expectations surrounding my second wedding. There are expectations of our guests, of my family and my future in-laws (of which there are many) and then the expectations I have for myself.

I want the perfect day, but I don't want to drive myself crazy before I get there.


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