I don't know what my deal is, but I've been so emotional lately.

I have a hunch that I know what my problem is but I'm not certain. I am in the midst of going through a lot of financial crap from my divorce, and I'm nervous about how it will all play out. I believe this nervousness is what's been eating at me.

I often find myself holding back tears at the oddest moments — like when I'm walking to work.

My grandparents call from thousands of miles away to say "hi" and I'll get teary eyed when I hang up the phone, longing for the days when I was a carefree child playing on my grandparents' farm.

I haven't shed any tears since the spring when I was in the midst of my divorce. I thought my well had run dry. But now, this whole financial fiasco has brought them back to a degree.

I'm longing for the day when all of this is over. My new paper shredder is on standby, waiting for the day when I no longer need certain documents from my marriage. I just want to shred it all up and move on with my life!


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