Katherine McKee's picture

A Grateful Reader Writes

Posted to Ask the Community by Katherine McKee on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 8:06am
At First Wives World, we're creating a community for you to find support, resources and entertainment. Our community is being built one brick at a time —virtually of course!
We received a note from a reader the other day that reaffirmed why we're building this community. The reader, I'll call her Dana, shared that she was divorced in June after 35 years of marriage and years of abuse. She was overwhelmed by her feelings and her three grown sons were having a hard time with the situation even though they had advised her to leave the marriage.
Dana's experience reflects many of yours. The last part of her note really hit us hard: "So here I sit, 56-years-old, trying to deal with and work through all this. I do not regret filing for divorce, I just was not ready for how deep the pain runs. This site is a Godsend!!!" We certainly hope it is for you too.


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